Letto Bello, ‘beautiful bed’ in Italian, encapsulates our products and designs which aims to provide our customers with stylish, luxurious and elegant bed linen

“The Letto Bello linen sheets we kindly received from our beautiful friends as a wedding gift have become one of our most treasured items. Exceptional luxurious quality that will last for many years to come.”
Thank you Letto Bello, the best quality linen I've felt in a long time. Looks great and divine to sleep in!
Lisa, Toowoomba
Most beautiful sheets!
Jane, Dorset UK
At last have found linen that actually fits my beds. I have a B&B with different size beds and have had trouble getting linen to fit. Thank you and I will be continuing to purchase your Linen.
Janette, Toowoomba
Finally got it all on the bed and spent my first night in Letto Bello Linen! Absolutely love it. Perfect fit. Classic design. Quality unrivalled! Thanks.
Liz, Toowoomba
The bed linen arrived and it’s fabulous. The embroidery is exactly where I wanted it, well done I’d forgotten just how fine the cotton was. When I picked up the package I thought there must be a mistake as it was far lighter than expected. All washed and ready to go one the bed. Thank you”
Mairead, London
That is it. I am never getting out of my bed again. Trust I will rest in peace, comfort and luxury. Thank you Letto Bello Linen. xx
Bronny, NZ
I love our sheets so much that I have to select washing day carefully so that I can get my sheets washed, dried and made on the bed again as they are too good to have folded in the linen cupboard! I will definitely be a return customer.
Hannah, Walcha
I found Letto Bello Linen by accident while flipping through a magazine at a doctor's surgery. What a discovery! The products are beautifully crafted, the service is outstanding. I highly recommend to anyone.
Lyn, Armidale

About us

We choose to use quality cotton and linen base cloths across the entire Letto Bello range as well as traditional needlework methods to create an elegant finish.